
my name is valerie, a mentor, a maker and wellness practitioner.

…with five decades of observations, structured learning (outdoor education, positive psychology, wellness) borrowed ideas, conjured up thoughts and joining of dots with ninety to two day old’s, numerous travels, middle of the night scribbles, simplified nourishment, silent retreats, fabulous friends and a foundational family, sailing the seas, beach reclines and gazing of stars, reading of articles, books and poems, viewing of posters, dancers and art, mountain, city and museum wanderings and many a messy moment, wry smile – mentoring, making and wellness awaits… 


mentoring conversations: online, at home, written correspondence and retreats…walking your path with you.

making: fabric design, art, interior spaces, conversations etc.

wellness consultations: online, at home and retreats…support for matters physical, medical and emotional.

[email protected]